Emergency Dentist
in Cullman, AL
We never like to think about emergencies arising, but should you or a loved one need to see an emergency dentist in Cullman right away, our team at Cullman Cosmetic & Family Dentistry is here to assist. To schedule an emergency visit with our team, please give our office a call at 256-734-7151. Scheduling by phone allows our team to provide you with some initial advice and begin preparing a treatment room so that we are ready to help you upon your arrival.
Contact us today to learn more and schedule your next visit. We look forward to helping your family whether you need a routine cleaning, an advanced restorative service, or an emergency dental treatment.
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What are some common dental emergencies?
Common dental emergencies encompass a range of urgent dental issues that require immediate attention to alleviate pain, prevent further damage, and preserve oral health. These emergencies include severe toothaches, broken or cracked teeth resulting from accidents or injury, and knocked-out teeth, which can occur during sports activities or accidents. Other common emergencies involve objects lodged between teeth, dental abscesses characterized by swelling, pain, and infection, and soft tissue injuries to the gums, tongue, or cheeks caused by trauma or accidents. Find out more about common dental emergencies.

What should I do if I knock out a tooth?
If you knock out a tooth, swift action is crucial to increase the chances of successful re-implantation. Pick up the tooth carefully by the crown, avoiding contact with the roots, and rinse it gently with water if dirty. Attempt to reinsert the tooth into its socket, ensuring it faces the correct direction, or place it in a cup of milk or saliva. Seek emergency dental care immediately, ideally within 30 minutes of the injury, to maximize the likelihood of saving the tooth. Our Cullman dental team will assess the tooth’s condition, clean the socket, and reimplant the tooth if possible, or explore alternative treatment options to restore your smile. You can be prepared with an emergency dental kit at home.

Should I go to the ER or an emergency dentist?
For dental emergencies such as knocked-out teeth, severe toothaches, or broken teeth, it’s best to seek treatment from an emergency dentist. Emergency dentists are equipped to handle dental emergencies effectively and can provide specialized care for dental issues. However, if you experience severe bleeding, trauma to the head or neck, or difficulty breathing, it’s advisable to visit the emergency room for immediate medical attention. Not sure what to do? Feel free to give us a call for specific advice.
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Is emergency dental care affordable?
The cost of emergency dental care can vary depending on the nature of the emergency, the treatment required, and your dental insurance coverage. Many dental plans offer coverage for necessary emergency services, and our team also accepts payment plans through CareCredit™ and SunBit, which can help divide the cost of emergency dental treatments into manageable monthly payments. Once your treatment is complete or has been de-escalated from an emergency, we’d be happy to help you find a budget-friendly payment option.